3,401 research outputs found

    Acquisition and distribution of synergistic reactive control skills

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    Learning from demonstration is an afficient way to attain a new skill. In the context of autonomous robots, using a demonstration to teach a robot accelerates the robot learning process significantly. It helps to identify feasible solutions as starting points for future exploration or to avoid actions that lead to failure. But the acquisition of pertinent observationa is predicated on first segmenting the data into meaningful sequences. These segments form the basis for learning models capable of recognising future actions and reconstructing the motion to control a robot. Furthermore, learning algorithms for generative models are generally not tuned to produce stable trajectories and suffer from parameter redundancy for high degree of freedom robots This thesis addresses these issues by firstly investigating algorithms, based on dynamic programming and mixture models, for segmentation sensitivity and recognition accuracy on human motion capture data sets of repetitive and categorical motion classes. A stability analysis of the non-linear dynamical systems derived from the resultant mixture model representations aims to ensure that any trajectories converge to the intended target motion as observed in the demonstrations. Finally, these concepts are extended to humanoid robots by deploying a factor analyser for each mixture model component and coordinating the structure into a low dimensional representation of the demonstrated trajectories. This representation can be constructed as a correspondence map is learned between the demonstrator and robot for joint space actions. Applying these algorithms for demonstrating movement skills to robot is a further step towards autonomous incremental robot learning

    consensusDE: an R package for assessing consensus of multiple RNA-seq algorithms with RUV correction

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    Extensive evaluation of RNA-seq methods have demonstrated that no single algorithm consistently outperforms all others. Removal of unwanted variation (RUV) has also been proposed as a method for stabilizing differential expression (DE) results. Despite this, it remains a challenge to run multiple RNA-seq algorithms to identify significant differences common to multiple algorithms, whilst also integrating and assessing the impact of RUV into all algorithms. consensusDE was developed to automate the process of identifying significant DE by combining the results from multiple algorithms with minimal user input and with the option to automatically integrate RUV. consensusDE only requires a table describing the sample groups, a directory containing BAM files or preprocessed count tables and an optional transcript database for annotation. It supports merging of technical replicates, paired analyses and outputs a compendium of plots to guide the user in subsequent analyses. Herein, we assess the ability of RUV to improve DE stability when combined with multiple algorithms and between algorithms, through application to real and simulated data. We find that, although RUV increased fold change stability between algorithms, it demonstrated improved FDR in a setting of low replication for the intersect, the effect was algorithm specific and diminished with increased replication, reinforcing increased replication for recovery of true DE genes. We finish by offering some rules and considerations for the application of RUV in a consensus-based setting. consensusDE is freely available, implemented in R and available as a Bioconductor package, under the GPL-3 license, along with a comprehensive vignette describing functionality: trup://bioconduaor.org/packagesi consensusDE/

    A note on symmetries of invariant sets with compact group actions

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    Detecting pathogenic variants in autoimmune diseases using high-throughput sequencing

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    Sequencing the first human genome in 2003 took 15 years and cost 2.7billion.Advancesinsequencingtechnologieshavesincedecreasedcoststothepointwhereitisnowfeasibletoresequenceawholehumangenomefor2.7 billion. Advances in sequencing technologies have since decreased costs to the point where it is now feasible to resequence a whole human genome for 1000 in a single day. These advances have allowed the generation of huge volumes of high‐quality human sequence data used to construct increasingly large catalogs of both population‐level and disease‐causing variation. The existence of such databases, coupled with a high‐quality human reference genome, means we are able to interrogate and annotate all types of genetic variation and identify pathogenic variants for many diseases. Increasingly, sequencing‐based approaches are being used to elucidate the underlying genetic cause of autoimmune diseases, a group of roughly 80 polygenic diseases characterized by abnormal immune responses where healthy tissue is attacked. Although sequence data generation has become routine and affordable, significant challenges remain with no gold‐standard methodology to identify pathogenic variants currently available. This review examines the latest methodologies used to identify pathogenic variants in autoimmune diseases and considers available sequencing options and subsequent bioinformatic methodologies and strategies. The development of reliable and robust sequencing and analytic workflows to detect pathogenic variants is critical to realize the potential of precision medicine programs where patient variant information is used to inform clinical practiceThe author is funded by NHMRC (Grant No. APP5121190)

    The petrology and geochemistry of the upper critical zone of the Bushveld complex at the Amandelbult section of Rustenberg Platinum Mines Limited, Northwestern Transvaal, South Africa

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    A study of petrological and geochemical variations through the upper Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex at Amandelbult section of R.P,M. was undertaken. The sequence at this locality may be divided into seven "units" two of which appear to be complete, possessing the sequence harzburgite-pyroxenite-norite-anorthosite. The other five Units lack basal, intermediate or upper members. Considerable lateral variations are apparent in this sequence, but these are restricted to the Lower Pseudo Reef-Merensky Reef interval, tne same portion of the succession which is affected by pothole structures. The single most important petrographic feature of genetic significance is the occurrence of annealed, recrystallized anorthosite immediately underlying ulstramafic layers. This, together with the undulatory nature of the contact between the two rock layers, suggests that the ultramafic layer was emplaced as a hot liquid over a pre-existing, crystalline anorthosite floor, and that some remelting of this layer occurred. Variations in the chemical make-up of constituent silicate minerals reveal a number of significant processes which may have been operative in the magma chamber prior to crystallization, Olivine grains, for instance, exhibit extremely wide chemical variations both within single layers and from one layer to the next. These variations are best explained by re-equilibration processes with spinel and base metal sulphides, rather than by wide variations in original liquidus compositions. It appears that the compositions of the initial liquids from which each basal olivine-bearing layer crystallized, were approximately similar. Variations in the iron-magnesium ratio of ortho-pyroxenes indicate well defined continuous fractionation trends in units which are considered to be complete. Magnesian compositions are recorded in ultramfic members, while increasingly iron-enriched values are recorded upwards through the sequence pyroxenite-norite-antorthosite. Plagioclase grains exhibit less well defined fractionation trends, but it is clear that an upward increase in An is encountered through indivitual Units. This is in direct contrast to the trend exhibited by orthopyroxene. A further feature of plagioclase grains is the considerable degree of chemical zonation exhibited by them. In cumulus grains this is commonly manifested as strongly reversed rims, while in intercululus grains normal zoning is ubiquitous. Whole-rock chemical variations through the succession indicate that cyclical variations occur through successive Units, but that these merely reflect changes in modal mineralogy and not liquid fractionation trends. Such trends can be shown for selected element ratios, where these elements are known to partition into a single mineral phase. Rations of pyroxene components such as the nickel/scandium ratio, exhibit a saw tooth pattern through successive Units, while ratios of plagioclase components such as the strontium/alumina ratio have unique, fairly constant values for each individual Unit but different values for successive Units. The latter type of cyclicity is not always strictly confined to lithologically recognized boundaries between Units, and a slight overlap into overlying ultramafic layers is apparent. An investigation of variations in trace element levels in a single layer in five widely separated boreholes revealed that there is some evidence for a lateral fractionation trend from the southwest (more primitive) to the northeast (more evolved), although the small number of data points available preclude definite conclusions. There exists in the data some evidence that the Giant Mottled Anorthosite differs chemically from the other anorthosites in the study section, and that it more closely resembles rocks of the Main Zone. This evidence is particularly apparent in variations of the chromium/aluminium ratio of orthoyroxene grains, and in the An content of plagioclase grains, both of whose trends exhibit distinct inflections at the base of this member. The features of the succession at Amandelbult are best explained by the model of Eales et al. (in press, a), which visualizes the input of a number of pulses of new, hot liquid into a magma chamber containing the fractionated residua of previous influxes. At a critical point in time, just prior to the mafic Merensky Reef input, a large input of gabboic liquid was intruded at high levels in the chamber. The lower portions of this liquid mixed with the residua of earlier mafic inputs, which in turn mixed with new inputs of mafic, typical Critical Zone liquids. Thus the lower portions of the study section represent mixtures of new Critical Zone liquids with the residua of previous such influxes, while the upper portions have the added complication of mixture with a Main Zone-type liquid. The unique chemical character of the Giant Mottled Anorthosite appears to be a direct manifestation of the influence of the Main Zone liquid.KMBT_363Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-i

    Using Mediation in Canadian Environmental Tribunals: Opportunities and Best Practices

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    The popularity of alternate dispute resolution (ADR) has been growing for decades, particularly in the United States and now in Canada. Although ADR has become increasingly popular in the Canadian administrative context, it faces certain difficulties arising from the public interest mandate of many tribunals, in particular environmental tribunals. These difficulties include conventional and institutional problems, such as conflict assessment, communications with and between parties, selecting and training the mediator (tribunal member, staff, or third party?), and identification of the proper parties and competing interests. There are also concerns specific to Canadian environmental tribunals. How do they protect the public interest, handle complex technical and scientific issues, enforcement, confidentiafity, and deal with the precedential value of mediated decisions

    Nonlinear bilateral teleoperation using extended active observer for force estimation and disturbance suppression

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    A novel nonlinear teleoperation algorithm for simultaneous inertial parameters and force estimation at the master and slave sides of the teleoperation system is proposed. The scheme, called Extended Active Observer (EAOB), is an extension of the existing active observer. It provides effective force tracking at the master side with accurate position tracking at the slave side in the presence of inertial parameter variation and measurement noise. The proposed method only requires the measurement of robot position, and as a result significantly reduces the difficulty and cost of implementing bilateral teleoperation systems. The approach is described and its stability is analytically verified. The performance of the method is validated through computer simulation and compared with the Nicosia observer-based controller. According to the results, EAOB outperforms the Nicosia observer method and effectively rejects noise

    Using Mediation in Canadian Environmental Tribunals: Opportunities and Best Practices

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    The popularity of alternate dispute resolution (ADR) has been growing for decades, particularly in the United States and now in Canada. Although ADR has become increasingly popular in the Canadian administrative context, it faces certain difficulties arising from the public interest mandate of many tribunals, in particular environmental tribunals. These difficulties include conventional and institutional problems, such as conflict assessment, communications with and between parties, selecting and training the mediator (tribunal member, staff, or third party?), and identification of the proper parties and competing interests. There are also concerns specific to Canadian environmental tribunals. How do they protect the public interest, handle complex technical and scientific issues, enforcement, confidentiafity, and deal with the precedential value of mediated decisions

    Novel Inducers of the Envelope Stress Response BaeSR in Salmonella Typhimurium: BaeR Is Critically Required for Tungstate Waste Disposal

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    The RpoE and CpxR regulated envelope stress responses are extremely important for SalmonellaTyphimurium to cause infection in a range of hosts. Until now the role for BaeSR in both the Salmonella Typhimurium response to stress and its contribution to infection have not been fully elucidated. Here we demonstrate stationary phase growth, iron and sodium tungstate as novel inducers of the BaeRregulon, with BaeR critically required for Salmonella resistance to sodium tungstate. We show that functional overlap between the resistance nodulation-cell division (RND) multidrug transporters, MdtA, AcrD and AcrB exists for the waste disposal of tungstate from the cell. We also point to a role for enterobactinsiderophores in the protection of enteric organisms from tungstate, akin to the scenario in nitrogen fixing bacteria. Surprisingly, BaeR is the first envelope stress response pathway investigated in S. Typhimurium that is not required for murine typhoid in either ityS or ityR mouse backgrounds. BaeR is therefore either required for survival in larger mammals such as pigs or calves, an avian host such as chickens, or survival out with the host altogether where Salmonella and related enterics must survive in soil and water

    Congress, the Court, and the Constitution: Constitutional Deliberation in an Affiliated Age

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    The relationship between Congress and the Constitution and more specifically, constitutional deliberation within Congress, has been the focus of important scholarship (Pickerill, 2004; Devins & Whittington, 2005). This research furthers that enterprise through a comparative case study striving to understand the nature, content, and character of constitutional deliberation in the modern Congress. I examined a series of contemporaneous cases of constitutional interaction between Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution itself, with particular emphasis on the content of congressional discourse. The cumulative evidence from the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003, and the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007 suggest that constitutional deliberation in Congress can best be understood through a "political regime" analysis (Dahl, 1957; Clayton & May, 1999; Pickerill & Clayton, 2004; Keck, 2007). More specifically, these cases, falling within reasonably the same "affiliated" era (Skowronek, 1997), demonstrate and illustrate the importance, and effects, of regime contestation: the normative engagement and debate between competing national governing coalitions. Operating as a part of this affiliated regime, Congress is a predictably highly partisan institution functioning within a highly political environment encompassing both fundamental "settled" values and secondary "unsettled" values. Its deliberation is for the most part symbolic and derivative in nature, acting under an umbrella of judicial supremacy and attempting to exert influence primarily on unsettled values, by which fundamental regime shifts are desired. These cases belie the notion of "settled" law and a "settled" regime, yet, despite these deviations from an undiluted "republic of reasons," Congress plays an important representational role by acting, and, further still, continues and perpetuates an ongoing dialogue (Fisher, 1988) with the other branches which would not arguably take place otherwise